A day like no other ...


The BIG challenge (French acronym for « Brevet International Grimpeur  »  which means International Cyclo-climber Certificate) is to climb as many summits from an official list of 1000 summits selected throughout Europe by renowned specialist regional managers, on the basis of sporting, media or touristic criteria.

For a cyclist who likes climbing slopes, choosing a route passing through a BIG is often a guarantee of quality of itinerary.

There exist several certificates : from the certificate of 10 different BIGs climbed to the BEG certificate (« Brevet Extrême Grimpeur  »  which means Extreme Cyclo-climber Certificate) for all 1000 BIGs climbed (this certificate not having been attributed yet). A little more than 3000 cyclo-climbers originating from 33 countries are registered on the www.challenge-big.eu website which permits them to record their climbed BIGs.

In 2010, in order to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the BIG challenge, the management committee has organized the « ironbig » : it consists in climbing 25 times the same BIG in a given period of time. This period is 1 day if the slope has a difference of level of less than 200 m, one month if the difference of level is between 200 m and 500 m, 1 year if the difference of level is over 500 m. As I have been registered to the BIG challenge since its creation and as I am fan of challenges I could not ignore this new appeal to surpass oneself ... Some thirty cyclo-climbers have already achieved the ironbig since the beginning of the year, it should not be that impossible ...

The first step is the preparation : which BIG to choose? I do not live close to a BIG of more than 200m and I do not want to have to take the car 25 times a month or a year to get to the foot of the same BIG. It will therefore be a BIG of less than 200 m, to be climbed 25 times the same day. After removing BIGs having paved sections, I retain two serious candidates: the « mur de Huy » at Huy (BIG n°125), and the « Biirgerkräiz » at Luxembourg (BIG n°149). The « mur de Huy » ironbig having already been achieved by founding president Daniel Gobert I choose the « Biirgerkräiz ». The precise luxemburgish word seems to be "Biergerkräiz", the roadsign has a spelling mistake.


Two sides are possible, the east and the south side. The east side practically requires to come back to the foot by the same route as when going to the top ; the return includes a long and fast descent (CR181) that ends in a residential area of Bereldange. Dangerous 25 times. I prefer the south side because it has the steepest portion (18% at the bottom of the Bridel street, probably one of the highest percentages in the Great-Duchy of Luxembourg) but also because this portion may be avoided when coming back by using an alternative route, longer but less steep (Kopstal street; CR215).

Then I collect some key figures :
slope : 10-18% in the first 500 meters, then decreasing to 6%-7% during 1 km and again softening afterwards with even a slight descent
distance : 2,2 km + 3,1 km to go back = 5,3 km for a full lap
elevation : 120 m + 11 m to go back = 131 m for a full lap

The total for 25 laps theoretically includes 132,5 km and an elevation of 3275 m; it seems realistic : it's similar to a Cyclo-Côteur in Belgium, but on a slightly shorter distance.

A quick calculation gives an estimation of the required length of time : 8 hours 42 minutes on the basis of an average speed of 9 km/h for the outward trip and 30 km/h for the return, 6 hours 48 minutes for respective average speeds of 12 km/h and 35 km/h. I also foresee 1 to 2 hours extra time for physical recovery and for waiting times at the red light at the foot of the BIG and at the intersection at the foot of the descent on the return.

Yet I am not sure to succeed the 25 laps. Maybe my legs will no longer be able to climb the 18% section after a large number of ascents. Maybe a long period of rest will be necessary, or maybe I will have to split the 25 laps into several periods with long recovering time between each one. In order to have the best chances, I plan to carry a removable lighting device in case I would have underestimated the total required time and I would need to finish after dark.

For food, I decide to force me to follow a very regular rhythm : a mouthful of energy drink at the beginning of each return, and half an energy bar every three laps. I also allow for a few bananas and other beverages in order to have from time to time a different taste in mouth.

The big day finally arrives. I have chosen a day for which the weather forecast foresees a dry sky and temperatures between 15 and 25 degrees. At 08:20AM I am at the foot of the BIG and I begin the first climb. The 18% section is climbed without difficulty. But without ease as well. Doubt invades me : what if muscles no longer allow me to climb this section after 15 or 20 laps, neither sat nor standing on the pedals ? Wait and see ... I keep going, forcing me not to use too high gears in order to save my strength. The goal is not to do a good time but to complete the 25 laps. I arrive at the roundabout at the top of the BIG and begin the descent. A long straight line. Once again I force myself to save energy and I try not to pedal too much.

Shortly before the end of the descent, the road includes an S and requires braking. When first passing through this S, I notice 2 marks on the road, with a distance of about forty centimetres between the two. I decide that each time I will pass through this S I will have to place my front wheel between the two marks. If I fail to do so I will stop and give up the ironbig on this day. Endorphins have a good thing : they decrease the sensation of fatigue during long-term efforts and even provide a certain euphoria. But it can also be dangerous because vigilance is then released. The use of the 2 marks is a good objective indicator of my state of vigilance.

I finish in 14 minutes 48 seconds the first lap of what will become during one day my natural velodrome. It's better than the best scenario. Then one lap follows upon another. I pass and pass again in front of the Villeroy & Boch factory, in front of the few houses down the Bridel street. A woman leaves her house to get her mail. Two men are talking together next to an old tractor that seems to be part of a collection. No time to ask them. Buses from line 275 also pass and pass again. I try to memorize their registration numbers in order to know later if I have already met them ...

After some ten laps I'm very confident. I loop the tour at a steady average speed of 15 minutes a lap. At about 11:30AM my wife and my daughter come to refuel me and encourage me. First break of 10 minutes. Some snapshots. I start again. Again I see the lady and the fans of tractors. Further I see some joggers crossing the road. I still manage to put my front wheel between the 2 marks in the S. Everything goes well.

At about the 20th round, I have no doubt about the physical capacity to complete the 25 laps. I always climb the 18% with 30 x 23. But I begin to fear some irreparable mechanical problem. So close to the goal ... I put aside these pessimistic thoughts and I think about the after-25-laps : what to do ? Stop? Continue ? The weather is nice. I have booked the whole day for cycling. 30 laps seem possible easily. I think about an « ironironbig » (double ironbig the same day) ...

At about lap 24 the physical condition is still present. Only one lap left. I reckon that at the same rhythm I would finish 50 climbs between 09:00PM and 10:00PM. In the dark. I would need the lighting. I estimate that the total distance for the 50 laps would approach 270 km. 35 km more than my longest distance ever achieved in one day. That seems difficult. Very difficult. But not impossible. So I decide to set as a new goal to complete as many laps as possible, just to see which are my physical limits, with a maximum of 50 rounds. Let us see...

I finish the 25 laps at 02:50PM, i.e. after 6 hours 30 minutes. The elevation mentioned on the GPS is less than expected : 2740 m. I continue without stopping ...

Tours start again, one after the other. To spare my strength I now decide to always use my smallest gear (30 x 25) in the 18% section.

But around the 30th round, already, some foot pains appear. From experience I know their origin: with the heat feet swell and give a burning sensation at every pedal strike. The solution is to stop, to ventilate and cool feet. To save time, I decide not to stop immediately but to wait for the second appointment scheduled later with my wife. Probably a bad choice. The pain increases rapidly. At both feet. In descents, I try to remove my shoes from pedals in order to help my feet to rest. Nothing helps. The rate decreases. Around 16 minutes a lap, 18 minutes a lap... I suffer agonies... At about the 35th lap my wife finally arrives. I have a rest and take sustenance during some twenty minutes in the car.

Thanks to the rest the pain disappears completely. The rhythm starts again at about 16-17 minutes a lap. As time progresses, I think more and more about the ironironbig. I count the number of remaining laps. Only 14 laps left. Only 12 laps left. Only 10 laps left ... After more than 200 km, the 18% section starts to hurt. Even with 30 x 25. But I am now cycling like a robot. Some residents discuss at a terrace in their garden. I hear the plates and glasses clinking. They are lucky. I have been drinking and eating energy drinks and bars since the morning. But ultimately no, I am the one who is lucky: I practise the sport I love and I am about to succeed in a personal challenge ... Happiness in life is something very relative...

The car park of the bar-restaurant-club next to the roundabout at the top is filling more and more as tours go and go. One second I consider having a drink there but I would certainly not be accepted in my current state...

Night is now falling. For safety reasons and despite the lighting installed on the bike, I prefer to go down by the same road section as the one used to climb, because it is less busy. I go down the 18% on the brakes. I come and come again in front of the private terrace and its occupants, now also when descending. They seem happy, I am happy, life is beautiful. Maybe they think I am crazy. Madness is also relative...

I finally finish the 50th ascent at 10:25PM. My wife is waiting in the car park near the roundabout. To join her I pass in front of the parking doorman at the restaurant-bar-club and a few customers, astounded. I get off the bike. I tremble. Of cold. Of fatigue. Of happiness. I raise my bike in front of the car headlights, with arms stretched overhead. The guests are watching and wondering what is happening. No matter. I have succeeded. This is my best birthday present (tomorrow I am 45). I kiss my wife.

In summary : 265,3 km ; 5470 m elevation ; 13h03 on the bike plus 1h02 for various stops ; average speed of 20,3 km/h ; memories for a lifetime despite the apparent monotony of the course (the monotony is also relative !)...

We are now getting back home. I drink a brown Mc Chouffe 75cl. Tomorrow I have to travel 511 km. But not by bicycle. By car. I am going on holiday ...

Xavier Rutten – August 2010.